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Get The Instagram Story Sales Templates for $35 (Org $67)

If you struggle with being sales-y or don’t know how to position your offer in stories, these templates were made for you!

You get 104 fully customizable Canva templates for selling your services, courses, memberships, and digital products.


  • 3 sets of case study stories

  • 7 sets of testimonial & client wins stories

  • 24 sets of stories for selling your services, courses, memberships, and digital products

I started creating story templates for myself when I noticed that I was struggling with selling my offers because I didn’t know how to present them in an authentic way.

After talking with other entrepreneurs about their struggles with being “sales-y”, I decided to expand my templates and offer them to YOU.

I created these templates as “sets” instead of singular story graphics. Using multiple graphics allows you to tell a story about what you’re selling — whether it’s a customer success story, or demonstrating why your product is beneficial.

You have amazing, life-changing services and offers for your audience.

Let’s start selling them confidently.